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Epics Model Interactions

A RIDDL Epic is a definition that models the interaction between a user, an application, and the rest of the system.

Epics are definitions that contains a related set of use cases that detail each interaction between the user and the components of the system being modeled. Epics may occur within the body of a Domain since they are specific to a domain.

  • Epic - A specification of the related set of use cases that cohesively define a feature of the system. The system will likely be composed of many epics. The use cases decompose the epic to handle the variety of conditions that may occur for the intended feature.
  • Use Case - The specification of a single flow of interactions that occur between a user (role) and the system components. Use Cases start (probably) with a user taking an action on an application. Then further interaction between the system components show how the system responds to that user’s action.
  • User Story - A simple summary of a Use Case that quickly tells who, what and why is involved in the Use Case. Stories use the familiar pattern: {who} wants to {what} so that {why}. For example:
    The quick brown fox (who) wants to jump over the lazy dog (what) so that he can get through the garden without being eaten (why).
  • Interaction - One step of a Use Case involving a user or system component interacting with another user or component of the system. Interactions are the building blocks of a Use Case