A number of frequently used productions are useful to understand in the sections that follow. Commentary follows the grammar.
(* Common RIDDL EBNF Grammar Productions *)
(******************************************************************** COMMON *)
any char = ? any UTF-8 character ? ;
any but newline = any char - ( "\n" | "\r" ) ;
nonquote = any char - '"' ;
digits = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;
literalInteger = digits
literalString = quote nonquote quote ;
literalStrings = literalString { literalString } ;
markdownLine = verticalBar, any but newline, newline ;
markdownLines= markdownLine { markdownLine.rep(1)) } ;
docBlock = (open, (markdownLines | literalStrings), close) | literalString ;
optionalNestedContent(content) = open [ content ] close ;
brief = "brief", [ ( literalString | docBlock ) ] ;
details = "details", [ (literalString | docBlock) ] ;
items = "items", [ "(", literalString ")" ],
open, { identifier, "is", docBlock), close ;
citations = "see", docBlock ;
as = "as" | "by";
detailedDescription = brief, details, items, citations ;
literalStringsDescription = literalStrings ;
docBlockDescription = markdownLine ;
description = ( "described" | "explained" ), as, open,
(literalStringDescription | docBlockDescription | detailedDescription),
close ;
literalDecimal = plusOrMinus, digits{digits}, "." {digits} ;
idHeadChars = ? upper and lower case letters ? ;
idTailChars = ? letters digits and underscore ? ;
simpleIdentifier = idHeadChars, { idTailChars } ;
quotedIdentifier = "'", any char { any char }, "'" ;
identifier = simpleIdentifier | quotedIdentifier ;
pathIdentifier = identifier { ".", identifier } ;
is = "is" | "are" | ":" | "=" ) ;
open = "{" ;
close = "}" ;
options(validOptions) = "options", "(" validOptions{validOptinos} ")" |
"option", "is", validOptions ;
commandRef = "command", pathIdentifier ;
eventRef = "event", pathIdentifier ;
queryRef = "query", pathIdentifier ;
resultRef = "result", pathIdentifier ;
messageRef = commandRef | eventRef | queryRef | resultRef ;
entityRef = "entity", pathIdentifier ;
topicRef = "topic", pathIdentifier ;
typeRef = "type", pathIdentifier;
actionRef = "action", pathIdentifier ;
contextRef = "context", pathIdentifier ;
domainRef = "domain", pathIdentifier;