RIDDL Documentation
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RIDDL allows expressions to be specified in various places. Most frequently they are the operands to message constructors and when clauses in Gherkin examples. This page shows you what you can do with expressions in RIDDL.


Expressions compute values of arbitrary types. Since RIDDL is not a programming language, the syntax used for expressions is minimal and abstract. There is no attempt in RIDDL to be computationally complete. Supporting expression is merely for the convenience to requirements writers.

Conditional Expressions

Conditional expressions, or just conditionals, are expressions that can only evaluate to a boolean value. These are used in places where a conditional value is expected, like in a when clause in a Gherkin example. While any expression value can be considered a conditional, there are several operators (or, and, not and the six comparison operators) that will only yield a conditional value. Arithmetic operators are not considered conditional expression. Function call, field selection, and arbitrary expressions are considered conditionals.

LISP Style Prefix Syntax

RIDDL expressions uses prefix syntax. That is the name of each operator comes first (prefix) and its arguments follow within parentheses and comma separated. For example:


This expression says multiply 3 by the value of “MyState.numberField” (presumably a numeric field in the state named “MyState”), add 4 to that, then take the square root of that sum. Note that “sqrt”, “+” and “*” and “@” are all operators. In the case of @, no parentheses are required.


In the subsections below we will discuss each of the operators that are defined by RIDDL.

Undefined Expression: ???

If you don’t know what expression is needed, just use RIDDL’s undefined operator, which is ???. This can be considered a placeholder for future definition.

Arbitrary Expression: “expression”

RIDDL allows an arbitrary expression which is just a quoted string. When you don’t have time, inclination or the details of a computation, just describe it in text. For example:

example Foo {
  when "conditions are right"
  then set State.Field to "the correct value"

In this example, two “arbitrary” expressions are used:

  • conditions are right presumably resolves to a conditional (boolean) value
  • "the correct valuepresumably resolves to a value compatible with the type of the fieldState.Field`

Value Selection: @

The @ operator selects the value of a named thing in the RIDDL definition. The @ is followed immediately by a path identifier such as Domain.Context. Entity.State.Field. The path identifier chosen must specify something that holds a value, for example the fields in a state definition or the message of an on clause (in a handler).

Arithmetic: +, -, / *, %, name

Arithmetic values perform computations. The usual five arithmetic operators, + - / * % are permitted and they each take two arguments. Additionally, any function name in all lower case, with 0 or more arguments can be used. The function name is not checked except that it must be in all lower case. For example, sqrt(n), log(n), empty(@list) are all valid expressions.

Function Call: Path.To.Function(arg1=expression,…)

An expression may invoke a RIDDL defined function to obtain the expression’s value. To make such an invocation, a path identifier is used to locate the function to be invoked and each of its arguments must be supplied between parentheses. Arguments in a function call must be named, unlke in an arbitrary arithmetic operator. For example:

function A { requires { i: Integer} yields { j: Integer }


This invokes function A with the required value 3 for “i” parameter

Comparison Condition: <, <=, ==, !=, >=, >

The typical six comparison operators are supported. Each takes two operaonds only and compares them in different ways. The result is a conditional, true or false, depending on how the two values compare. The operators are:

  • ‘<’ - return true if operand 1 is less than operand 2
  • ‘<=’ - return true if operand 1 is less than or equal to operand 2
  • ‘==’ - return true if operand 1 is equal to operand 2
  • ‘!=’ - return true if operand 1 is not equal to operand 2
  • ‘>=’ - return true if operand 1 is greater than or equal to operand 2
  • ‘>’ - return true if operand 1 is greater than operand 2

Logical: not, or, xor, and

Conditional expressions can be combined with the three logical operators:

  • not - evaluates to the opposite of its operand, e.g. if the operand is truethen not(true) yields false. Requires exactly 1 operand.
  • or - evaluates to true if any of its operands are true. Requires a minimum of 2 operands
  • xor - evaluates to true if only one of its operands are true and the others are all false. Requires a minimum of 2 operands.
  • and - evaluates to true if all of its operands are true. Requires a minimum of 2 operands.

Constants: True, False, Numbers

Constant values such as true and false (both conditionals as well), or any real, floating point, or integer number can be interpreted as expressions too.

Ternary Expression: if(condition,then,else)

A computation may include the if operator with three operands. The first operand, condition, is a conditional (true/false) expression that determines whether then, an expression, is the result (condition ==true case) or then, also an expression, is the result (condition == false case).

Group Expression: (expression)

If if aids in clarity, you may place parentheses around an expression to group it together. With prefix operator notation, this isn’t strictly needed but is provided for convenience.