RIDDL Documentation
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A RIDDL plant is a definition that combines pipes with processors to specify a model of how data should flow. You may define as many plants as needed but each plant is a closed system without the ability of the RIDDL model to express the sharing of data between the plants. This is done deliberately to prevent unintentional contamination of data in large models.


The purpose of a plant definition is to provide the blueprint for how a set of pipes, processors, and entities are joined together so that data may flow end-to-end. This is done by using:

  • the names and types of inlets in processors
  • the names and types of outlets in processors
  • the names and content types of pipes
  • the definition of a joint to connect pipes and processors

For example, consider this complete plant definition:

domain AnyDomain is {
  plant SensorMaintenance is {

    source GetWeatherForecast is {
      outlet Weather is type Forecast
    } described by "This is a source for Forecast data"

    flow GetCurrentTemperature is {
      inlet Weather is type Forecast
      outlet CurrentTemp is type Temperature
    } explained as "This is a Flow for the current temperature, when it changes"

    pipe WeatherForecast is {
      transmit type Forecast
      from outlet GetWeatherForecast.Weather
      to inlet GetCurrentTemperature.inlet
    } explained as "Carries changes in the current weather forecast"

    pipe TemperatureChanges is {
      transmit type temperature
      from outlet GetCurrentTemperature.CurrentTemp
      to inlet AttenuateSensor.CurrentTemp from
    } explained as "Carries changes in the current temperature"

    repository AttenuateSensor is {
      inlet CurrentTemp is record Temperature
    } explained as "This is a Sink for making sensor adjustments based on temperature"

  } explained as
  "A complete plant definition for temperature based sensor attenuation."

} explained as "Plants can only be specified in a domain definition"

In other words, the above plant definition produces this kind of data pipeline:

graph LR;

subgraph GetWeatherForecast
  subgraph Weather:outlet
subgraph GetCurrentTemperature
  subgraph Weather:inlet
  subgraph CurrentTemperature:outlet
subgraph AttenuateSensor
  subgraph CurrentTemperature:inlet
Weather:outlet -->|WeatherForecast| Weather:inlet
CurrentTemperature:outlet -->|TemperatureChange| CurrentTemperature:inlet

In the diagram, the arrows represent pipes, yellow boxes represent processors and the grey boxes represent the inlet and outlet connection points.

Type Safety

Plants are entirely type safe. This means the data type that a pipe transmits must match the data type of the publishing processors (outlets) and the data types of the consuming processors (inlets). When riddlc processes a plant specification, it ensures that all the inlet and outlet data types match the data types of the connected pipes.

In the above example, note that each inlet/outlet pair has the same type name (Weather and CurrentTemperature).

Entities as Processors

An entity may also be used as a processor under some special circumstances:

  • as a source - An entity may be used as a source of events if a command handler is defined for the entity.
  • as a sink - An entity may be used as a sink for events if a reaction handler is defined for the entity.
  • as a flow - An entity may be used as a flow to convert commands into events
