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riddlc Config File

You can store your options to riddlc in a file and use that file with the from command. The configuration files use HOCON as the input format. Here’s an example:

# This file contains the input parameters to riddlc for use with `riddlc from` command.

# We want to run the "hugo" command in riddlc so that riddl input is converted to input for the hugo web site generator.
command = hugo

# This block provides options that are common to any command.
common = {
  show-times = true
  verbose = true
  quiet = false
  dry-run = false
  hide-warnings = true
  hide-missing-warnings = true
  hide-style-warnings = true
  debug = true
  show-unused-warnings = false

# This block provides options for the "hugo" command to translate riddl to a hugo web site.
hugo {
  input-file = "ImprovingApp.riddl"
  output-dir = "target/hugo/"
  erase-output = true
  project-name = "ImprovingApp"
  enterprise-name = "Improving Inc."
  site-title = "RIDDL Specification For improving.app"
  site-description = "This site provides the documentation generated from the RIDDL specification for the improving.app"
  site-logo-url = "https://avatars.slack-edge.com/2022-08-03/3892148238579_bdc8d3ad2e5b91bd6cda_88.png"
  site-logo-path = "images/logo.png"
  erase-output = true
  base-url = "https://riddl.improving.app"
  source-url = "https://github.com/improving-ottawa/improving-app-riddl"
  with-glossary = true
  with-todo-list = true
  with-graphical-toc = false
stats {
  input-file = "ImprovingApp.riddl"
validate {
  input-file = "ImprovingApp.riddl"

Example command syntax:

riddlc from path/to/hocon/file/above validate

This would use the “common” and “validate” sections of the hocon file for configuration and then run the validate command. The file validated is specified by the input-file setting. The common options specify that the validate command, or any other command supported by the hocon file would:

  • show-times = true - print out the durations of each of the phases
  • verbose = true - print detailed information on what riddlc is doing
  • quiet = false - print all messages at end of run
  • dry-run = false - actually do the work, not just process the options
  • hide-warnings = true - hide all kinds of warnings
  • hide-missing-warnings = true - display no warnings about missing definitions
  • hide-style-warnings = true - display no warnings about specification style
  • debug = true - print debug info, typically only useful to implementors
  • show-unused-warnings = false - display no warnings about unused definitions