RIDDL Documentation
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riddlc options


Like many other complex programs, riddlc implements a variety of commands, each with their own functionality and their own options. As there are overlaps

Options come and go as riddlc evolves. If you experience issues with the command line options, you can always run riddlc without any options and it will explain the options your version supports.

Common Options

Some options are common to all the commands.

-h (–help)

Causes riddlc to print out help and usage information and exit.

-t (–show-times)

Translation is done in various stages (parsing, validating, loading, translating, etc.). This option causes riddlc to print out how long each of these stages takes

-v (–verbose)

Causes riddlc to be more verbose in its output, what it is doing, etc. So far this doesn’t add any additional output but the option is reserved for this use case.

-q (–quiet)

Do not print out any output, just do the requested command.

-d (–dry-run)

Go through the motions of processing the options and teeing up the command to run, but don’t actually run it.

-w (–suppress-warnings)

Causes all warnings to be squelched from the output. riddlc has many general warnings, lots of warnings about missing things, and even stylistic or idiomatic suggestions. This option suppresses all of them to make the output less verbose.

-m (–suppress-missing-warnings)

Warnings about missing constructs are normally turned off, this option turns them back on so the messages are put out by riddlc. This can be quiet verbose in early RIDDL specifications that do not have much documentation in them.

-s (–suppress-style-warnings)

Warnings about RIDDL style are normally turned off, this option turns them back on so the messages are put out by riddlc

parse [options] Command

The parse command causes riddlc to only parse the provided RIDDL file for syntactic compliance with the RIDDL language. No validation or translation is done on the input. Note that riddlc terminates after the first syntax error message has printed.

In addition to the common options, you can specify the options described in the following subsections.

-i (--input-file)

This is a required option that provides the file to be parsed.

validate [options] Command

This command does everything that the parse command does, but also semantically validates the input if parsing succeeds.

In addition to the common options, you can specify the options described in the following subsections.

-i (--input-file)

This is a required option that provides the file to be parsed.

reformat [options] Command

This command regurgitates its input but in a consistent style with options to affect that style in various ways.

In addition to the common options, you can specify the options described in the following subsections.

-i (--input-file)

This is a required option that provides the file to be parsed.

-o (--output-dir)

This is a required option that provides the directory into which the output will be placed. Generated files will have the same names as the input files.

-s (--single-file)

This option causes all the include statements in the input to be removed and the entire input generated into a single file.

Currently this option is forced on whether you specify the option or not. The only output supported is a single file. This will be remedied in a later release.

hugo [options] Command

This command causes riddlc to parse, validate and translate its input into the input needed for a hugo based website that described the RIDDL input.

In addition to the common options, you can specify the options described in the following subsections.

-i (--input-file)

This is a required option that provides the file to be translated to a hugo website.

-o (--output-dir)

This is a required option that provides the directory into which the hugo website source files will be placed.

-p, --project-name <value>

This options provides the hugo command with the overall name of the project that is being described by the RIDDL input. This is used in the meta tags for the title of the page, and other places where the title is needed.

-e, --erase-output <value>

Erase the entire output directory before putting out any files.

It is highly recommended that you use this option, but it defaults to off to prevent the new user from deleting the wrong directory structure. All files under --output-dir will be unceremoniously deleted so specifying --output-dir incorrectly can yield significant data loss.

-b, --base-url <value>

This option provides the first part of the URL at which the generated site is publicly accessible. It defaults to http://localhost:1313 which is the default for hugo.

-s, --source-url <value>

The generated site offers the ability to link to the source document for any page. The <value> provided must be a valid URL for a website.

This corresponds to the geekdoc hugo theme’s geekdocRepo parameter.

-h, --edit-path <value>

This option is used to extend the funtionality of the --source-url option to allow editing as well as linking to the source. This option provides the source repository’s intermediate URL path that can be used to edit a page.

-l, --site-logo-url <value>

URL to the site’s logo image for use by hugo

hugo-git-check [options] Command

This command is the same as the hugo command, and takes the same options, except you also provide a URL to a directory in a git repository. Any changes to the git repository below that direction, as reported by git, will cause the hugo command to run. Otherwise nothing happens. This allows an auto-update upon changes when combined with the repeat command.

from <path-to-config-file> Command

This command repeats

repeat <cycle-delay> <max-cycles> <path-to-config-file Command

This command repeats whichever command is specified in the configuration file at <path-to-config-file>. It will cycle <max-cycles> times and insert a delay of <cycle-delay> which must be specified with a duration suffix like s(seconds) m(minutes), etc. The full set of possibilities are defined here

the input needed for a hugo based website that described the RIDDL input.

In addition to the common options, you can specify the options described in the following subsections.

Options From Configuration Files

The from and repeat commands use HOCON configuration files to determine what to do. The HOCON syntax is [fully explained here](https://github. com/lightbend/config/blob/main/HOCON.md) but it is simpler than that in the case of riddlc, just follow these rules:

  • Assign the command you want to run to the “command” option.
  • All the common options can be specified at the top level.
  • Command specific options must appear in a section named after the command.
  • All the configuration items have the same names as the long form names that
    riddlc prints out with the help command.

So, for example, to reformat a file to another file without warnings you could set up a configuration file like this:

command = reformat
suppress-warnings = true
reformat {
  input-file = "path/to/input.riddl"
  output-dir = "path/to/output/dir"
  single-file = true

Similarly for other commands. You can even specify all the options for all the commands and then just change the command selector when you want to do something different. Or, put them each in separate files and use commandline completion to specify which file.

Example of riddlc help command

RIDDL Compiler (c) 2022 Reactive Software LLC. All rights reserved. 
Version:  0.2.1-131-f6486929 

This program parses, validates and translates RIDDL sources to other kinds 
of documents. RIDDL is a language for system specification based on Domain 
Drive Design, Reactive Architecture, and Agile principles.

Usage: riddlc [parse|validate|reformat|hugo|hugo-git-check|from|help|repeat] [options] <args>...

  -V | --version
  -h | --help
        Print out help/usage information and exit
  -t | --show-times
        Show compilation phase execution times 
  -d <value> | --dry-run <value>
        go through the motions but don't write any changes
  -v | --verbose
        Provide detailed, step-by-step, output detailing riddlc's actions
  -q | --quiet
        Do not print out any output, just do the requested command
  -w | --suppress-warnings
        Suppress all warning messages so only errors are shown
  -m | --suppress-missing-warnings
        Show warnings about things that are missing
  -s | --suppress-style-warnings
        Show warnings about questionable input style. 
Command: parse [options]
Parse the input for syntactic compliance with riddl language.
No validation or translation is done on the input
  -i <value> | --input-file <value>
        required riddl input file to read
Command: validate [options]
Parse the input and if successful validate the resulting model.
No translation is done on the input.
  -i <value> | --input-file <value>
        required riddl input file to read
Command: reformat [options]
Parse and validate the input-file and then reformat it to a
standard layout written to the output-dir.  
  -i <value> | --input-file <value>
        required riddl input file to read
  -o <value> | --output-dir <value>
        required output directory for the generated output
  -s <value> | --single-file <value>
        Resolve all includes and imports and write a single file with the same
        file name as the input placed in the out-dir
Command: hugo [options]
Parse and validate the input-file and then translate it into the input
needed for hugo to translate it to a functioning web site.
  -i <value> | --input-file <value>
        required riddl input file to read
  -o <value> | --output-dir <value>
        required output directory for the generated output
  -p <value> | --project-name <value>
        Optional project name to associate with the generated output
  -e <value> | --erase-output <value>
        Erase entire output directory before putting out files
  -b <value> | --base-url <value>
        Optional base URL for root of generated http URLs
  -t <value> | --themes <value>
  -s <value> | --source-url <value>
        URL to the input file's Git Repository
  -h <value> | --edit-path <value>
        Path to add to source-url to allow editing
  -l <value> | --site-logo-url <value>
        URL to the site's logo image for use by site
  -p <value> | --site-logo-path <value>
        Path, in 'static' directory to placement and use
        of the site logo.
Command: hugo-git-check [options] git-clone-dir
This command checks the <git-clone-dir> directory for new commits
and does a `git pull" command there if it finds some; otherwise
it does nothing. If commits were pulled from the repository, then
the hugo command is run to generate the hugo source files and hugo
is run to make the web site available at hugo's default local web
address:  |http://localhost:1313/

        Provides the top directory of a git repo clone that
contains the <input-file> to be processed.
  -i <value> | --input-file <value>
        required riddl input file to read
  -o <value> | --output-dir <value>
        required output directory for the generated output
  -p <value> | --project-name <value>
        Optional project name to associate with the generated output
  -e <value> | --erase-output <value>
        Erase entire output directory before putting out files
  -b <value> | --base-url <value>
        Optional base URL for root of generated http URLs
  -t <value> | --themes <value>
  -s <value> | --source-url <value>
        URL to the input file's Git Repository
  -h <value> | --edit-path <value>
        Path to add to source-url to allow editing
  -l <value> | --site-logo-url <value>
        URL to the site's logo image for use by site
  -p <value> | --site-logo-path <value>
        Path, in 'static' directory to placement and use
        of the site logo.
Command: from [options] config-file
Load riddlc options from a config file
        A HOCON configuration file with riddlc options
  -i <value> | --input-file <value>
        required riddl input file to read
  -o <value> | --output-dir <value>
        required output directory for the generated output
Command: help
Print out how to use this program
Command: repeat config-file [refresh-rate] [max-cycles]
This command supports the edit-build-check cycle. It doesn't end
until <max-cycles> has completed or EOF is reached on standard
input. During that time, the selected subcommands are repeated.

        The path to the configuration file that should be repeated
        Specifies the rate at which the <git-clone-dir> is checked
for updates so the process to regenerate the hugo site is
        Limit the number of check cycles that will be repeated.
  -n | --interactive
        This option causes the repeat command to read from the standard
        input and when it reaches EOF (Ctrl-D is entered) then it cancels
        the loop to exit.