Abstract Syntax Tree This object defines the model for representing RIDDL as an Abstract Syntax Tree. This raw AST has no referential integrity, it just results from applying the parsing rules to the input. The RawAST models produced from parsing are syntactically correct but have no semantic validation.
Members list
Type members
The simplest type expression: Abstract An abstract type expression is one that is not defined explicitly.
The simplest type expression: Abstract An abstract type expression is one that is not defined explicitly. It is treated as a concrete type but without any structural or type information. This is useful for types that are defined only at implementation time or for types whose variations are so complicated they need to remain abstract at the specification level.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the Bool type expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Definition of an Adaptor.
Definition of an Adaptor. Adaptors are defined in Contexts to convert messages from another bounded referent. Adaptors translate incoming messages into corresponding messages using the ubiquitous language of the defining bounded referent. There should be one Adapter for each external Context
Value parameters
- contents
The definitional contents of this Adaptor
- direction
An indication of whether this is an inbound or outbound adaptor.
- id
Name of the adaptor
- loc
Location in the parsing input
- metadata
The descriptive values for this Adaptor
- referent
A reference to the bounded referent from which messages are adapted
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Processor[AdaptorContents]trait WithStreamlets[AdaptorContents]trait WithHandlers[AdaptorContents]trait WithFunctions[AdaptorContents]trait WithInvariants[AdaptorContents]trait WithConstants[AdaptorContents]trait VitalDefinition[AdaptorContents]trait WithMetaDatatrait WithOptions[AdaptorContents]trait WithComments[AdaptorContents]trait WithIncludes[AdaptorContents]trait WithTypes[AdaptorContents]trait Branch[AdaptorContents]trait Container[AdaptorContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A trait that is the base trait of Adaptor directions
A trait that is the base trait of Adaptor directions
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class InboundAdaptorclass OutboundAdaptor
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ProcessorRef[Adaptor]trait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A type expression that contains an aggregation of fields (named values) or methods (named functions)
A type expression that contains an aggregation of fields (named values) or methods (named functions)
This is used as the TypeExpression of Aggregations and Messages
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait WithComments[AggregateContents]trait TypeExpressiontrait Container[AggregateContents]trait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class Aggregation
A type expression for an aggregation that is marked as being one of the use cases.
A type expression for an aggregation that is marked as being one of the use cases. This is used for messages, records, and other aggregate types that need to have their purpose distinguished.
Value parameters
- contents
The contents of the message's aggregation
- loc
The location of the message type expression
- usecase
The kind of message defined
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait AggregateTypeExpressiontrait WithComments[AggregateContents]trait TypeExpressiontrait Container[AggregateContents]trait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The base trait of values of an aggregate type to provide the required typeEx
field to give the TypeExpression for that value of the aggregate
The base trait of values of an aggregate type to provide the required typeEx
field to give the TypeExpression for that value of the aggregate
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
A type expression that takes a set of named fields as its value.
A type expression that takes a set of named fields as its value.
Value parameters
- contents
The content of the aggregation
- loc
The location of the aggregation definition
- Companion
- object
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait AggregateTypeExpressiontrait WithComments[AggregateContents]trait TypeExpressiontrait Container[AggregateContents]trait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Companion
- class
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
A TypeExpression that references another type by PathIdentifier
A TypeExpression that references another type by PathIdentifier
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the AliasedTypeExpression
- pathId
The path identifier to the aliased type
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A type expression that that defines its range of possible values as being any one of the possible values from a set of other type expressions.
A type expression that that defines its range of possible values as being any one of the possible values from a set of other type expressions.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the alternation type expression
- of
The set of type expressions from which the value for this alternation may be chosen
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An arbitrary interaction step.
An arbitrary interaction step. The abstract nature of the relationship is
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description of the interaction step
- from
A reference to the source of the interaction
- loc
The location of the step
- relationship
A literal spring that specifies the arbitrary relationship
- to
A reference to the destination of the interaction
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TwoReferenceInteractiontrait GenericInteractiontrait Interactiontrait WithMetaDatatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A statement whose behavior is specified as a text string allowing an arbitrary action to be specified handled by RIDDL's syntax.
A statement whose behavior is specified as a text string allowing an arbitrary action to be specified handled by RIDDL's syntax.
Value parameters
- loc
The location where the action occurs in the source
- what
The action to take (emitted as pseudo-code)
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A value that holds the author's information
A value that holds the author's information
Value parameters
- brief
A optional short description of the author
- description
An optional long description of the author
The author's email address
- loc
The location of the author information
- name
The full name of the author
- organization
The name of the organization the author is associated with
- title
The author's title within the organization
- url
A URL associated with the author
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to an Author
A reference to an Author
Value parameters
- loc
The At at which the reference is located
- pathId
The PathIdentifier providing the path to the Author
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A statement that changes the behavior of an entity by making it use a new handler for its messages; named for the "become" operation in Akka that does the same for an user.
A statement that changes the behavior of an entity by making it use a new handler for its messages; named for the "become" operation in Akka that does the same for an user.
Value parameters
- entity
The entity whose behavior is to change
- handler
The reference to the new handler for the entity
- loc
The location in the source of the become action
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An implementation of a Description that implements the lines directly as a Seq of LiteralString
An implementation of a Description that implements the lines directly as a Seq of LiteralString
Value parameters
- lines
The literal lines of this description as a Seq of LiteralString
- loc
The At value that provides the location of this BlockDescription
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Descriptiontrait Metatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for boolean values (true / false)
A predefined type expression for boolean values (true / false)
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the Bool type expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait IntegerTypeExpressiontrait NumericTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The Base trait for a definition that contains some unrestricted kind of content, RiddlValue
The Base trait for a definition that contains some unrestricted kind of content, RiddlValue
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Container[CV]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class Groupclass Handlerclass Inputclass Nebulatrait OnClauseclass OnInitializationClauseclass OnMessageClauseclass OnOtherClauseclass OnTerminationClauseclass Outputclass Rootclass Typeclass UseCasetrait VitalDefinition[CT]class Domainclass Epicclass Functionclass Moduletrait Processor[CT]class Adaptorclass Contextclass Entityclass Projectorclass Repositoryclass Streamletclass SagaShow all
A single line description for any vital definition
A single line description for any vital definition
Value parameters
- brief
The brief description
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Metatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A statement that calls a function
A statement that calls a function
Value parameters
- func
The function to be called
- loc
The location of the statement in the model
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Base trait of the cardinality for type expressions
Base trait of the cardinality for type expressions
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
A statement that provides a definition of the computation to execute in a specific programming language
A statement that provides a definition of the computation to execute in a specific programming language
Value parameters
- body
The code that should be executed by this statement.
- language
The name of the programming language in which the
is written - loc
The location of the statement
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A Reference to a command message type
A Reference to a command message type
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the reference
- pathId
The path identifier to the event type
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait MessageReftrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
This trait represents the base trait of all comments recognized by the parser
This trait represents the base trait of all comments recognized by the parser
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class InlineCommentclass LineComment
A connector between an com.ossuminc.riddl.language.AST.Outlet and an com.ossuminc.riddl.language.AST.Inlet that flows a particular com.ossuminc.riddl.language.AST.Type.
A connector between an com.ossuminc.riddl.language.AST.Outlet and an com.ossuminc.riddl.language.AST.Inlet that flows a particular com.ossuminc.riddl.language.AST.Type.
Value parameters
- from
The origin Outlet of the connector
- id
The unique identifier of the connector
- loc
The location at which the connector is defined
- metadata
The meta data for this connector
- options
The options for this connector
- to
The destination Inlet of the connector
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A definition that represents a constant value for reference in behaviors
A definition that represents a constant value for reference in behaviors
Value parameters
- brief
A brief descriptin of the constant
- description
A detailed description of the constant
- id
The unique identifier of the Constant
- loc
The location in the source of the Constant
- typeEx
The type expression goverining the range of values the constant can have
- value
The value of the constant
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A Group contained within a group
A Group contained within a group
Value parameters
- group
The contained group as a reference to that group
- id
The name of the group contained
- loc
Location of the contained group
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Base trait of any RiddlValue that Contains other RiddlValue
Base trait of any RiddlValue that Contains other RiddlValue
Type parameters
- CV
The kind of contained value that is contained within.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait AggregateTypeExpressionclass Aggregationtrait Branch[CV]class Groupclass Handlerclass Inputclass Nebulatrait OnClauseclass OnInitializationClauseclass OnMessageClauseclass OnOtherClauseclass OnTerminationClauseclass Outputclass Rootclass Typeclass UseCasetrait VitalDefinition[CT]class Domainclass Epicclass Functionclass Moduletrait Processor[CT]class Adaptorclass Contextclass Entityclass Projectorclass Repositoryclass Streamletclass Sagaclass Include[CT]trait InteractionContainerclass OptionalInteractionsclass ParallelInteractionsclass SequentialInteractionsclass SimpleContainer[CV]trait WithAdaptors[CV]trait WithAuthors[CV]trait WithComments[CV]trait WithConnectors[CV]trait WithConstants[CV]trait WithContexts[CV]trait WithDomains[CV]trait WithEntities[CV]trait WithEpics[CV]trait WithFunctions[CV]trait WithGroups[CV]trait WithHandlers[CV]trait WithIncludes[CV]trait WithInlets[CV]trait WithInputs[CV]trait WithInvariants[CV]trait WithModules[CV]trait WithOptions[CV]trait WithOutlets[CV]trait WithOutputs[CV]trait WithProjectors[CV]trait WithRepositories[CV]trait WithSagaSteps[CV]trait WithSagas[CV]trait WithShownBy[CV]trait WithStatements[CV]trait WithStates[CV]trait WithStreamlets[CV]trait WithTypes[CV]trait WithUseCases[CV]trait WithUsers[CV]Show all
A bounded referent definition.
A bounded referent definition. Bounded contexts provide a definitional boundary on the language used to describe some aspect of a system. They imply a tightly integrated ecosystem of one or more microservices that share a common purpose. Context can be used to house entities, read side projectors, sagas, adaptations to other contexts, apis, and etc.
Value parameters
- contents
The definitional content for this Context
- id
The name of the referent
- loc
The location of the bounded referent definition
- Companion
- object
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithGroups[ContextContents]trait WithSagas[ContextContents]trait WithAdaptors[ContextContents]trait WithConnectors[ContextContents]trait WithEntities[ContextContents]trait WithRepositories[ContextContents]trait WithProjectors[ContextContents]trait Processor[ContextContents]trait WithStreamlets[ContextContents]trait WithHandlers[ContextContents]trait WithFunctions[ContextContents]trait WithInvariants[ContextContents]trait WithConstants[ContextContents]trait VitalDefinition[ContextContents]trait WithMetaDatatrait WithOptions[ContextContents]trait WithComments[ContextContents]trait WithIncludes[ContextContents]trait WithTypes[ContextContents]trait Branch[ContextContents]trait Container[ContextContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to a bounded referent
A reference to a bounded referent
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the reference
- pathId
The path identifier for the referenced referent
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ProcessorRef[Context]trait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The type representation of a national monetary currency
The type representation of a national monetary currency
Value parameters
- country
The ISO 3166 A-3 three letter code for the country
- loc
Location at which the currency type occurs
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for the SI Base unit for Current (amperes)
A predefined type expression for the SI Base unit for Current (amperes)
Value parameters
- loc
\- The locaitonof the current type expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RealTypeExpressiontrait NumericTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for a calendar date.
A predefined type expression for a calendar date.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the date type expression.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TimeTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for a calendar date and clock time combination.
A predefined type expression for a calendar date and clock time combination.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the datetime type expression.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TimeTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for a decimal value including IEEE floating point syntax.
A predefined type expression for a decimal value including IEEE floating point syntax.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the decimal integer type expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RealTypeExpressiontrait NumericTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Companion
- trait
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Base trait for all Definitions.
Base trait for all Definitions. Their mere distinction at this level of abstraction is to simply have an identifier and can have attachments
- See also
- Companion
- object
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait Branch[CV]class Groupclass Handlerclass Inputclass Nebulatrait OnClauseclass OnInitializationClauseclass OnMessageClauseclass OnOtherClauseclass OnTerminationClauseclass Outputclass Rootclass Typeclass UseCasetrait VitalDefinition[CT]class Domainclass Epicclass Functionclass Moduletrait Processor[CT]class Adaptorclass Contextclass Entityclass Projectorclass Repositoryclass Streamletclass Sagaclass Enumeratortrait Leaftrait AggregateValueclass Fieldclass Methodclass Authorclass Connectorclass Constantclass ContainedGroupclass Invarianttrait Portletclass Inletclass Outletclass Relationshipclass SagaStepclass Schemaclass Stateclass Termclass UserShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Companion class for Description only to define the empty value
Companion class for Description only to define the empty value
- Companion
- trait
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The description of a definition.
The description of a definition. All definitions have a name and an optional description. This class provides the description part.
- Companion
- object
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class BlockDescriptionclass URLDescription
An interaction between a ser and a URL
An interaction between a ser and a URL
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description for documentation purposes
- description
A more full description of the interaction for documentation purposes
- from
The user from which the interaction emanates
- loc
THe location of the interaction in the model
- url
The URL towards which the user is directed
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait GenericInteractiontrait Interactiontrait WithMetaDatatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The definition of a domain.
The definition of a domain. Domains are the highest building block in RIDDL and may be nested inside each other to form a hierarchy of domains. Generally, domains follow hierarchical organization structure but other taxonomies and ontologies may be modelled with domains too.
Value parameters
- contents
The definitional content for this Context
- id
The name of the domain
- loc
The location of the domain definition
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithDomains[DomainContents]trait WithSagas[DomainContents]trait WithEpics[DomainContents]trait WithUsers[DomainContents]trait WithContexts[DomainContents]trait WithAuthors[DomainContents]trait VitalDefinition[DomainContents]trait WithMetaDatatrait WithOptions[DomainContents]trait WithComments[DomainContents]trait WithIncludes[DomainContents]trait WithTypes[DomainContents]trait Branch[DomainContents]trait Container[DomainContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to a domain definition
A reference to a domain definition
Value parameters
- loc
The location at which the domain definition occurs
- pathId
The path identifier for the referenced domain.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for a time duration that records the number of milliseconds between two fixed points in time
A predefined type expression for a time duration that records the number of milliseconds between two fixed points in time
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the duration type expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TimeTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Definition of an Entity
Definition of an Entity
Value parameters
- contents
The definitional content of this entity: handlers, states, functions, invariants, etc.
- id
The name of the entity
- loc
The location in the input
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithStates[EntityContents]trait Processor[EntityContents]trait WithStreamlets[EntityContents]trait WithHandlers[EntityContents]trait WithFunctions[EntityContents]trait WithInvariants[EntityContents]trait WithConstants[EntityContents]trait VitalDefinition[EntityContents]trait WithMetaDatatrait WithOptions[EntityContents]trait WithComments[EntityContents]trait WithIncludes[EntityContents]trait WithTypes[EntityContents]trait Branch[EntityContents]trait Container[EntityContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to an entity
A reference to an entity
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the entity reference
- pathId
The path identifier of the referenced entity.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ProcessorRef[Entity]trait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A type expression whose value is a reference to an instance of an entity.
A type expression whose value is a reference to an instance of an entity.
Value parameters
- entity
The type of entity referenced by this type expression.
- loc
The location of the reference type expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A type expression that defines its range of possible values as being one value from a set of enumerated values.
A type expression that defines its range of possible values as being one value from a set of enumerated values.
Value parameters
- enumerators
The set of enumerators from which the value of this enumeration may be chosen.
- loc
The location of the enumeration type expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait IntegerTypeExpressiontrait NumericTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Represents one variant among (one or) many variants that comprise an Enumeration
Represents one variant among (one or) many variants that comprise an Enumeration
Value parameters
- enumVal
the optional int value
- id
the identifier (name) of the Enumerator
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The definition of an Epic that bundles multiple Jacobsen Use Cases into an overall story about user interactions with the system.
The definition of an Epic that bundles multiple Jacobsen Use Cases into an overall story about user interactions with the system. This define functionality from the perspective of users (men or machines) interactions with the system that is part of their role.
Value parameters
- contents
The definitional content for this Context
- id
The name of the Epic
- loc
The location of the Epic definition
- userStory
The UserStory (per agile and xP) that provides the overall big picture of this Epic
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithShownBy[EpicContents]trait WithUseCases[EpicContents]trait VitalDefinition[EpicContents]trait WithMetaDatatrait WithOptions[EpicContents]trait WithComments[EpicContents]trait WithIncludes[EpicContents]trait WithTypes[EpicContents]trait Branch[EpicContents]trait Container[EpicContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to a Story definintion.
A statement that is intended to generate a runtime error in the application or otherwise indicate an error condition
A statement that is intended to generate a runtime error in the application or otherwise indicate an error condition
Value parameters
- loc
The location where the action occurs in the source
- message
The error message to report
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A Reference to an event message type
A Reference to an event message type
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the reference
- pathId
The path identifier to the event type
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait MessageReftrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A definition that is a field of an aggregation type expressions.
A definition that is a field of an aggregation type expressions. Fields associate an identifier with a type expression.
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description (one sentence) for use in documentation
- description
An optional description of the field.
- id
The name of the field
- loc
The location of the field definition
- typeEx
The type of the field
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait AggregateValuetrait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithIdentifiertrait Metatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait StreamletShapetrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An interaction where an User receives output
An interaction where an User receives output
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description of this interaction
- from
The User that is being focused
- loc
The location of the interaction in the source
- to
The Group that is the target of the focus
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TwoReferenceInteractiontrait GenericInteractiontrait Interactiontrait WithMetaDatatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A statement that changes the focus of input in an application to a specific group
A statement that changes the focus of input in an application to a specific group
Value parameters
- group
The group that is the target of the input focus
- loc
The location of the statement
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A statement that suggests looping over the contents of a field with a non-zero cardinality, an Inlet or an outlet
A statement that suggests looping over the contents of a field with a non-zero cardinality, an Inlet or an outlet
Value parameters
- do_
The set of statements to execute for each iteration_
- loc
The location of the statement in the model
- ref
The reference to the Field, outlet or Inlet
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A function definition which can be part of a bounded referent or an entity.
A function definition which can be part of a bounded referent or an entity.
Value parameters
- contents
The set of types, functions, statements, authors, includes and terms that define this FUnction
- id
The identifier that names the function
- input
An optional type expression that names and types the fields of the input of the function
- loc
The location of the function definition
- metadata
The set of descriptive values for this function
- output
An optional type expression that names and types the fields of the output of the function
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithStatements[FunctionContents]trait WithFunctions[FunctionContents]trait VitalDefinition[FunctionContents]trait WithMetaDatatrait WithOptions[FunctionContents]trait WithComments[FunctionContents]trait WithIncludes[FunctionContents]trait WithTypes[FunctionContents]trait Branch[FunctionContents]trait Container[FunctionContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to a function.
A reference to a function.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the function reference.
- pathId
The path identifier of the referenced function.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Interactiontrait WithMetaDatatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class SendMessageInteractiontrait TwoReferenceInteractionclass ArbitraryInteractionclass FocusOnGroupInteractionclass SelectInputInteractionclass SelfInteractionclass ShowOutputInteractionclass TakeInputInteractionclass VagueInteractionShow all
A graph of homogenous nodes.
A graph of homogenous nodes. This implies the nodes are augmented with additional data to support navigation in the graph but that detail is left to the implementation of the model.
Value parameters
- loc
Where the type expression occurs in the source
- of
The type of the elements of the graph
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A group of GroupDefinition that can be treated as a whole.
A group of GroupDefinition that can be treated as a whole. For example, a form, a button group, etc.
Value parameters
- alias
The buzzword used to define this group
- contents
The list of GroupDefinition
- id
The unique identifier of the group
- loc
The location of the group
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithMetaDatatrait WithOutputs[OccursInGroup]trait WithInputs[OccursInGroup]trait WithShownBy[OccursInGroup]trait Branch[OccursInGroup]trait Container[OccursInGroup]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A Reference to a Group
A Reference to a Group
Value parameters
- keyword
The keyword used to introduce the Group
- loc
The At locator of the group reference
- pathId
The path to the referenced group
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A named handler of messages (commands, events, queries) that bundles together a set of OnMessageClause definitions and by doing so defines the behavior of an entity.
A named handler of messages (commands, events, queries) that bundles together a set of OnMessageClause definitions and by doing so defines the behavior of an entity. Note that entities may define multiple handlers and switch between them to change how it responds to messages over time or in response to changing conditions
Value parameters
- contents
The set of OnMessageClause definitions and comments that define how the entity responds to received messages.
- id
The name of the handler.
- loc
The location of the handler definition
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithMetaDatatrait Branch[HandlerContents]trait Container[HandlerContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to a Handler
A reference to a Handler
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the handler reference
- pathId
The path identifier of the referenced handler
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A RiddlValue that is a parsed identifier, typically the name of a definition.
A RiddlValue that is a parsed identifier, typically the name of a definition.
Value parameters
- loc
The location in the input where the identifier starts
- value
The parsed value of the Identifier
- Companion
- object
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Companion object for the Identifier class to provide the empty value
Companion object for the Identifier class to provide the empty value
- Companion
- class
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
A statement that represents a class if-condition-then-A-else-B construct for logic decitions.
A statement that represents a class if-condition-then-A-else-B construct for logic decitions.
Value parameters
- cond
The conditional part of the if-then-else
- elses
The tsatements to execute if
is false - loc
The location of the statement in the model
- thens
The statements to execute if
is true
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Represents an AdaptorDirection that is inbound (towards the bounded referent the Adaptor was defined in)
Represents an AdaptorDirection that is inbound (towards the bounded referent the Adaptor was defined in)
Value parameters
- loc
Location in the source of the adaptor direction
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait AdaptorDirectiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A value to record an inclusion of a file while parsing.
A value to record an inclusion of a file while parsing.
Type parameters
- CT
The type of things that may be included as the contents of the Include's parent.
Value parameters
- contents
The Vital Definitions read from the file
- loc
The location of the include statement in the source
- origin
The string that indicates the origin of the inclusion
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Container[CT]trait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A streamlet that supports input of data of a particular type.
A streamlet that supports input of data of a particular type.
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description (one sentence) for use in documentation
- description
An optional description of the Inlet
- id
The name of the inlet
- loc
The location of the Inlet definition
- type_
The type of the data that is received from the inlet
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Portlettrait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to an Inlet
A reference to an Inlet
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the inlet reference
- pathId
The path identifier of the referenced Inlet
- Companion
- object
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait PortletRef[Inlet]trait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The AST representation of a comment that can span across lines and is inline with the definitions.
The AST representation of a comment that can span across lines and is inline with the definitions.
Value parameters
- lines
The lines of the comment without line terminators
- loc
The location at which the comment occurs
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Commenttrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An Input is a UI Element to allow the user to provide some data to the application.
An Input is a UI Element to allow the user to provide some data to the application. It is analogous to a form in HTML
Value parameters
- id
Name of the give
- loc
Location of the Give
- takeIn
a Type reference of the type given by the user
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithMetaDatatrait WithInputs[OccursInInput]trait Branch[OccursInInput]trait Container[OccursInInput]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to an Input using a path identifier
A reference to an Input using a path identifier
Value parameters
- loc
THe location of the GiveRef in the source code
- pathId
The path identifier that refers to the Give
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for an integer value
A predefined type expression for an integer value
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the integer type expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait IntegerTypeExpressiontrait NumericTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Base of all the Integer Numeric types
Base of all the Integer Numeric types
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait NumericTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait GenericInteractionclass SendMessageInteractiontrait TwoReferenceInteractionclass ArbitraryInteractionclass FocusOnGroupInteractionclass SelectInputInteractionclass SelfInteractionclass ShowOutputInteractionclass TakeInputInteractionclass VagueInteractiontrait InteractionContainerclass OptionalInteractionsclass ParallelInteractionsclass SequentialInteractionsShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Interactiontrait WithMetaDatatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
An invariant expression that can be used in the definition of an entity.
An invariant expression that can be used in the definition of an entity. Invariants provide conditional expressions that must be true at all times in the lifecycle of an entity.
Value parameters
- condition
The string representation of the condition that ought to be true
- id
The name of the invariant
- loc
The location of the invariant definition
- metadata
The list of meta data for the invariant
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A leaf node in the hierarchy of definitions.
A leaf node in the hierarchy of definitions. Leaves have no content, unlike Branch. They do permit a single BriefDescription value and single Description value. There are no contents.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
A predefined type expression for the SI Base unit for Length (meters)
A predefined type expression for the SI Base unit for Length (meters)
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the current type expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RealTypeExpressiontrait NumericTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The AST Representation of a single line comment in the input.
The AST Representation of a single line comment in the input. LineComments can only occur after the closing brace, }, of a definition. The comment is stored within the Definition
Value parameters
- loc
Location in the input of the // comment introducer
- text
The text of the comment, everything after the // to the end of line
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Commenttrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Represents a literal string parsed between quote characters in the input
Represents a literal string parsed between quote characters in the input
Value parameters
- loc
The location in the input of the opening quote character
- s
The parsed value of the string content
- Companion
- object
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Companion for LiteralString class to provide the empty value
Companion for LiteralString class to provide the empty value
- Companion
- class
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
A predefined type expression for a location on earth given in latitude and longitude.
A predefined type expression for a location on earth given in latitude and longitude.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the LatLong type expression.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for the SI Base Unit for Luminosity (candela)
A predefined type expression for the SI Base Unit for Luminosity (candela)
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the luminosity expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RealTypeExpressiontrait NumericTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A type expressions that defines a mapping from a key to a value.
A type expressions that defines a mapping from a key to a value. The value of a Mapping is the set of mapped key -> value pairs, based on which keys have been provided values.
Value parameters
- from
The type expression for the keys of the mapping
- loc
The location of the mapping type expression
- to
The type expression for the values of the mapping
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RealTypeExpressiontrait NumericTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait StreamletShapetrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Companion
- trait
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Base trait for the four kinds of message references
Base trait for the four kinds of message references
A descriptive is something non-definitional that can be added to a definition.
A descriptive is something non-definitional that can be added to a definition. They occurs in the with
section of the definition
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class BriefDescriptiontrait Descriptionclass BlockDescriptionclass URLDescriptionclass FileAttachmentclass StringAttachmentclass ULIDAttachmentShow all
A leaf definition that is a callable method (function) of an aggregate type expression.
A leaf definition that is a callable method (function) of an aggregate type expression. Methods associate an identifier with a computed TypeExpression.
Value parameters
- args
The type of the field
- brief
A brief description (one sentence) for use in documentation
- description
An optional description of the field.
- id
The name of the field
- loc
The location of the field definition
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait AggregateValuetrait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An argument of a method value for an aggregate
An argument of a method value for an aggregate
Value parameters
- loc
The parse location of the argument
- name
The name of the argument
- typeEx
The type of the argument as a TypeExpression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A Module represents a
A Module represents a
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithDomains[ModuleContents]trait WithModules[ModuleContents]trait VitalDefinition[ModuleContents]trait WithMetaDatatrait WithOptions[ModuleContents]trait WithComments[ModuleContents]trait WithIncludes[ModuleContents]trait WithTypes[ModuleContents]trait Branch[ModuleContents]trait Container[ModuleContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for the SI Base Unit for Mole (mole)
A predefined type expression for the SI Base Unit for Mole (mole)
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the mass type expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RealTypeExpressiontrait NumericTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An statement that morphs the state of an entity to a new structure
An statement that morphs the state of an entity to a new structure
Value parameters
- entity
The entity to be affected
- loc
The location of the morph action in the source
- state
The reference to the new state structure
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait IntegerTypeExpressiontrait NumericTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The nubula of arbitrary definitions.
The nubula of arbitrary definitions. This allows any named definition in its contents without regard to intended structure of those things. This can be used as a general "scratchpad".
Value parameters
- contents
The nebula of unrelated single definitions
- Companion
- object
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Branch[NebulaContents]trait Container[NebulaContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for a type that can have no values
A predefined type expression for a type that can have no values
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the nothing type expression.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for an arbitrary number value
A predefined type expression for an arbitrary number value
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the number type expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RealTypeExpressiontrait IntegerTypeExpressiontrait NumericTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Base of all Numeric types
Base of all Numeric types
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait IntegerTypeExpressionclass Boolclass Enumerationclass Integerclass Naturalclass Numberclass RangeTypeclass Wholetrait RealTypeExpressionclass Currentclass Decimalclass Lengthclass Luminosityclass Massclass Moleclass Realclass TemperatureShow all
A sealed trait for the kinds of OnClause that can occur within a Handler definition.
A sealed trait for the kinds of OnClause that can occur within a Handler definition.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait WithMetaDatatrait WithStatements[Statements]trait Branch[Statements]trait Container[Statements]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
Defines the actions to be taken when the component this OnClause occurs in is initialized.
Defines the actions to be taken when the component this OnClause occurs in is initialized.
Value parameters
- contents
A set of statements that define the behavior when a message doesn't match
- loc
THe location of the "on other" clause
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait OnClausetrait WithMetaDatatrait WithStatements[Statements]trait Branch[Statements]trait Container[Statements]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Defines the actions to be taken when a particular message is received by an entity.
Defines the actions to be taken when a particular message is received by an entity. OnMessageClauses are used in the definition of a Handler with one for each kind of message that handler deals with.
Value parameters
- contents
A set of statements that define the behavior when the msg is received.
- from
Optional message generating
- loc
The location of the "on" clause
- msg
A reference to the message type that is handled
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait OnClausetrait WithMetaDatatrait WithStatements[Statements]trait Branch[Statements]trait Container[Statements]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Defines the actions to be taken when a message does not match any of the OnMessageClauses.
Defines the actions to be taken when a message does not match any of the OnMessageClauses. OnOtherClause corresponds to the "other" case of an Handler.
Value parameters
- contents
A set of examples that define the behavior when a message doesn't match
- loc
THe location of the "on other" clause
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait OnClausetrait WithMetaDatatrait WithStatements[Statements]trait Branch[Statements]trait Container[Statements]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Defines the actions to be taken when the component this OnClause occurs in is initialized.
Defines the actions to be taken when the component this OnClause occurs in is initialized.
Value parameters
- contents
A set of statements that define the behavior when a message doesn't match
- loc
THe location of the "on other" clause
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait OnClausetrait WithMetaDatatrait WithStatements[Statements]trait Branch[Statements]trait Container[Statements]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A cardinality type expression that indicates another type expression as having one or more instances.
A cardinality type expression that indicates another type expression as having one or more instances.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the one-or-more cardinality
- typeExp
The type expression that is indicated with a cardinality of one or more.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Cardinalitytrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Base trait for option values for any option of a definition.
Base trait for option values for any option of a definition.
Value parameters
- args
THe arguments of the option as LiteralString which may be empty
- loc
The location at which the OptionValue occurs
- name
The name of the option
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A cardinality type expression that indicates another type expression as being optional; that is with a cardinality of 0 or 1.
A cardinality type expression that indicates another type expression as being optional; that is with a cardinality of 0 or 1.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the optional cardinality
- typeExp
The type expression that is indicated as optional
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Cardinalitytrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An interaction expression that specifies that its contents are optional
An interaction expression that specifies that its contents are optional
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description of the optional group
- contents
The optional expressions
- loc
The location of the optional group
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait InteractionContainertrait Interactiontrait WithMetaDatatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Represents an AdaptorDirection that is outbouand (towards a bounded referent that is not the one that defined the Adaptor
Represents an AdaptorDirection that is outbouand (towards a bounded referent that is not the one that defined the Adaptor
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait AdaptorDirectiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A streamlet that supports output of data of a particular type.
A streamlet that supports output of data of a particular type.
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description (one sentence) for use in documentation
- description
An optional description of the Outlet.
- id
The name of the outlet
- loc
The location of the outlet definition
- type_
The type expression for the kind of data put out
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Portlettrait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to an Outlet
A reference to an Outlet
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the outlet reference
- pathId
The path identifier of the referenced Outlet
- Companion
- object
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait PortletRef[Outlet]trait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A UI Element that presents some information to the user
A UI Element that presents some information to the user
Value parameters
- contents
Any contained outputs
- id
unique identifier oof the view
- loc
Location of the view in the source
- putOut
A result reference for the data too be presented
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithMetaDatatrait WithOutputs[OccursInOutput]trait Branch[OccursInOutput]trait Container[OccursInOutput]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to an Output using a path identifier
A reference to an Output using a path identifier
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the ViewRef in the source code
- pathId
The path identifier that refers to the View
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An interaction expression that specifies that each contained expression should be executed in parallel
An interaction expression that specifies that each contained expression should be executed in parallel
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description of the parallel group
- contents
The expressions to execute in parallel
- loc
Location of the parallel group
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait InteractionContainertrait Interactiontrait WithMetaDatatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A Companion to the ParentStack class
A Companion to the ParentStack class
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Represents a segmented identifier to a definition in the model.
Represents a segmented identifier to a definition in the model. Path Identifiers are parsed from a dot-separated list of identifiers in the input. Path identifiers are used to reference other definitions in the model.
Value parameters
- loc
Location in the input of the first letter of the path identifier
- value
The list of strings that make up the path identifier
- Companion
- object
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Companion object of the PathIdentifier class to provide its empty value
Companion object of the PathIdentifier class to provide its empty value
- Companion
- class
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
A type expression that defines a string value constrained by a Java Regular Expression
A type expression that defines a string value constrained by a Java Regular Expression
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the pattern type expression
- pattern
The Java Regular Expression to which values of this type expression must obey.
- See also
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A sealed trait for Inlets and Outlets
A sealed trait for Inlets and Outlets
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
Base class of all pre-defined type expressions
Base class of all pre-defined type expressions
- Companion
- object
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class Abstractclass Blobclass Boolclass Currencyclass Currentclass Integerclass Lengthclass Locationclass Luminosityclass Massclass Moleclass Naturalclass Nothingclass Numberclass Patternclass Realclass String_class Temperaturetrait TimeTypeclass Dateclass DateTimeclass Durationclass Timeclass TimeStampclass ZonedDateTimeclass URIclass UUIDclass UniqueIdclass UserIdclass WholeShow all
- Companion
- class
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Definition of a Processor.
Definition of a Processor. This is a base class for all Processor definitions (things that have inlets, outlets, handlers, functions, and take messages directly with a reference). Processors are the active portion of a model since they handle messages and do the associated processing.
Type parameters
- CT
The type of content that the Processor may contain
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait WithStreamlets[CT]trait WithHandlers[CT]trait WithFunctions[CT]trait WithInvariants[CT]trait WithConstants[CT]trait VitalDefinition[CT]trait WithMetaDatatrait WithOptions[CT]trait WithComments[CT]trait WithIncludes[CT]trait WithTypes[CT]trait Branch[CT]trait Container[CT]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
Base trait of a reference to definitions that can accept a message directly via a reference
Base trait of a reference to definitions that can accept a message directly via a reference
Type parameters
- T
The kind of reference needed
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class AdaptorRefclass ContextRefclass EntityRefclass ProjectorRefclass RepositoryRefclass StreamletRefShow all
Projectors get their name from Euclidean Geometry but are probably more analogous to a relational database view.
Projectors get their name from Euclidean Geometry but are probably more analogous to a relational database view. The concept is very simple in RIDDL: projectors gather data from entities and other sources, transform that data into a specific record type, and support querying that data arbitrarily.
Value parameters
- contents
The content of this Projectors' definition
- id
The unique identifier for this Projector
- loc
Location in the source of the Projector
- See also
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Processor[ProjectorContents]trait WithStreamlets[ProjectorContents]trait WithHandlers[ProjectorContents]trait WithFunctions[ProjectorContents]trait WithInvariants[ProjectorContents]trait WithConstants[ProjectorContents]trait VitalDefinition[ProjectorContents]trait WithMetaDatatrait WithOptions[ProjectorContents]trait WithComments[ProjectorContents]trait WithIncludes[ProjectorContents]trait WithTypes[ProjectorContents]trait Branch[ProjectorContents]trait Container[ProjectorContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to an referent's projector definition
A reference to an referent's projector definition
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the state reference
- pathId
The path identifier of the referenced projector definition
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ProcessorRef[Projector]trait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to a query message type
A reference to a query message type
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the reference
- pathId
The path identifier to the query type
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait MessageReftrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A type expression that defines a set of integer values from a minimum value to a maximum value, inclusively.
A type expression that defines a set of integer values from a minimum value to a maximum value, inclusively.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the RangeType type expression
- max
The maximum value of the RangeType
- min
The minimum value of the RangeType
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait IntegerTypeExpressiontrait NumericTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A statement that reads data from a Repository
A statement that reads data from a Repository
Value parameters
- from
A reference to the type from which the value should be read in the repository
- keyword
The keyword used to color the nature of the read operation
- loc
The location of the statement in the model
- what
A string describing what should be read
- where
A string describing the conditions on the read (like a SQL WHERE clause)
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for a real number value.
A predefined type expression for a real number value.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the real number type expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RealTypeExpressiontrait NumericTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Base of all the Real Numeric types
Base of all the Real Numeric types
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait NumericTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class Currentclass Decimalclass Lengthclass Luminosityclass Massclass Moleclass Numberclass Realclass TemperatureShow all
A reference to a record message type
A reference to a record message type
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the reference
- pathId
The path identifier to the result type
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait MessageReftrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to a definition of a specific type.
A reference to a definition of a specific type.
Type parameters
- T
The type of definition to which the references refers.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class AuthorRefclass ConstantRefclass DomainRefclass EpicRefclass FieldRefclass FunctionRefclass GroupRefclass HandlerRefclass InputReftrait MessageRefclass CommandRefclass EventRefclass QueryRefclass RecordRefclass ResultRefclass OutputReftrait PortletRef[T]class InletRefclass OutletReftrait ProcessorRef[T]class AdaptorRefclass ContextRefclass EntityRefclass ProjectorRefclass RepositoryRefclass StreamletRefclass SagaRefclass StateRefclass TypeRefclass UserRefShow all
A relationship between the Processor containing this value and another Processors
A relationship between the Processor containing this value and another Processors
Value parameters
- cardinality
The cardinality of the relationship between processors
- id
The identifier of this relationship which uniquely defines it within the containing processor.
- label
The label for this relationship as if drawn on a line connecting processors. This is optional and if not set, the id of the relationship is used instead
- loc
The location in the source where this relationship occurs
- processorRef
The referenced processor towards which this relationship is formed
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A value that is replicated across nodes in a cluster.
A value that is replicated across nodes in a cluster. Usage requirements placement in a definition such as Context or Entity that supports the clustered
value for the kind
Value parameters
- loc
Where the replica type expression occurs in the source
- of
The kind of data value that is replicated across cluster nodes. Because replicas imply use of a Conflict-free Replicated Data Type, the kind of type expression for
is restricted to numeric, set, and map types
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A statement that replies in a handler to a query
A statement that replies in a handler to a query
Value parameters
- loc
The location in the source of the publish action
- message
The message to be returned
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A RIDDL repository is an abstraction for anything that can retain information(e.g.
A RIDDL repository is an abstraction for anything that can retain information(e.g. messages for retrieval at a later time. This might be a relational database, NoSQL database, data lake, API, or something not yet invented. There is no specific technology implied other than the retention and retrieval of information. You should think of repositories more like a message-oriented version of the Java Repository Pattern than any particular kind ofdatabase.
Value parameters
- contents
The definitional content of this Repository: types, handlers, inlets, outlets, etc.
- id
The unique identifier for this Repository
- loc
Location in the source of the Repository
- See also
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Processor[RepositoryContents]trait WithStreamlets[RepositoryContents]trait WithHandlers[RepositoryContents]trait WithFunctions[RepositoryContents]trait WithInvariants[RepositoryContents]trait WithConstants[RepositoryContents]trait WithMetaDatatrait WithOptions[RepositoryContents]trait WithComments[RepositoryContents]trait WithIncludes[RepositoryContents]trait WithTypes[RepositoryContents]trait Branch[RepositoryContents]trait Container[RepositoryContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to a repository definition
A reference to a repository definition
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the state reference
- pathId
The path identifier of the referenced projector definition
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ProcessorRef[Projector]trait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to a result message type
A reference to a result message type
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the reference
- pathId
The path identifier to the result type
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait MessageReftrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A statement that returns a value from a function
A statement that returns a value from a function
Value parameters
- loc
The location in the source of the publish action
- value
The value to be returned
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The root trait of all parsed values.
The root trait of all parsed values. If a parser returns something, its a RiddlValue. Every node in the AST is a RiddlNode. Subclasses implement the definitions in various ways because this is the most abstract notion of what is parsed.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
trait AdaptorDirectionclass InboundAdaptorclass OutboundAdaptortrait Commentclass InlineCommentclass LineCommenttrait Container[CV]trait AggregateTypeExpressionclass Aggregationtrait Branch[CV]class Groupclass Handlerclass Inputclass Nebulatrait OnClauseclass OnInitializationClauseclass OnMessageClauseclass OnOtherClauseclass OnTerminationClauseclass Outputclass Rootclass Typeclass UseCasetrait VitalDefinition[CT]class Domainclass Epicclass Functionclass Moduletrait Processor[CT]class Adaptorclass Contextclass Entityclass Projectorclass Repositoryclass Streamletclass Sagaclass Include[CT]trait InteractionContainerclass OptionalInteractionsclass ParallelInteractionsclass SequentialInteractionsclass SimpleContainer[CV]trait WithAdaptors[CV]trait WithAuthors[CV]trait WithComments[CV]trait WithConnectors[CV]trait WithConstants[CV]trait WithContexts[CV]trait WithDomains[CV]trait WithEntities[CV]trait WithEpics[CV]trait WithFunctions[CV]trait WithGroups[CV]trait WithHandlers[CV]trait WithIncludes[CV]trait WithInlets[CV]trait WithInputs[CV]trait WithInvariants[CV]trait WithModules[CV]trait WithOptions[CV]trait WithOutlets[CV]trait WithOutputs[CV]trait WithProjectors[CV]trait WithRepositories[CV]trait WithSagaSteps[CV]trait WithSagas[CV]trait WithShownBy[CV]trait WithStatements[CV]trait WithStates[CV]trait WithStreamlets[CV]trait WithTypes[CV]trait WithUseCases[CV]trait WithUsers[CV]class Identifiertrait Interactiontrait GenericInteractionclass SendMessageInteractiontrait TwoReferenceInteractionclass ArbitraryInteractionclass FocusOnGroupInteractionclass SelectInputInteractionclass SelfInteractionclass ShowOutputInteractionclass TakeInputInteractionclass VagueInteractionclass LiteralStringtrait Metaclass BriefDescriptiontrait Descriptionclass BlockDescriptionclass URLDescriptionclass FileAttachmentclass StringAttachmentclass ULIDAttachmentclass MethodArgumentclass OptionValueclass PathIdentifierclass Reference[T]class AuthorRefclass ConstantRefclass DomainRefclass EpicRefclass FieldRefclass FunctionRefclass GroupRefclass HandlerRefclass InputReftrait MessageRefclass CommandRefclass EventRefclass QueryRefclass RecordRefclass ResultRefclass OutputReftrait PortletRef[T]class InletRefclass OutletReftrait ProcessorRef[T]class AdaptorRefclass ContextRefclass EntityRefclass ProjectorRefclass RepositoryRefclass StreamletRefclass SagaRefclass StateRefclass TypeRefclass UserRefclass ShownBytrait Statementclass ArbitraryStatementclass BecomeStatementclass CallStatementclass CodeStatementclass ErrorStatementclass FocusStatementclass ForEachStatementclass IfThenElseStatementclass MorphStatementclass ReadStatementclass ReplyStatementclass ReturnStatementclass SendStatementclass SetStatementclass StopStatementclass TellStatementclass WriteStatementtrait StreamletShapeclass Flowclass Mergeclass Routerclass Sinkclass Sourceclass Splitclass Voidtrait TypeExpressionclass AliasedTypeExpressionclass Alternationtrait Cardinalityclass OneOrMoreclass Optionalclass SpecificRangeclass ZeroOrMoreclass Graphclass Mappingtrait NumericTypetrait IntegerTypeExpressionclass Boolclass Enumerationclass Integerclass Naturalclass Numberclass RangeTypeclass Wholetrait RealTypeExpressionclass Currentclass Decimalclass Lengthclass Luminosityclass Massclass Moleclass Realclass Temperatureclass PredefinedTypeclass Abstractclass Blobclass Currencyclass Locationclass Nothingclass Patternclass String_trait TimeTypeclass Dateclass DateTimeclass Durationclass Timeclass TimeStampclass ZonedDateTimeclass URIclass UUIDclass UniqueIdclass UserIdclass Replicaclass Sequenceclass Setclass Tableclass UserStorytrait WithIdentifiertrait Definitionclass Enumeratortrait Leaftrait AggregateValueclass Fieldclass Methodclass Authorclass Connectorclass Constantclass ContainedGroupclass Invarianttrait Portletclass Inletclass Outletclass Relationshipclass SagaStepclass Schemaclass Stateclass Termclass Usertrait WithMetaDataShow all
The root of the containment hierarchy, corresponding roughly to a level about a file.
The root of the containment hierarchy, corresponding roughly to a level about a file.
Value parameters
- contents
The sequence top level definitions contained by this root container
- Companion
- object
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithIncludes[RootContents]trait WithComments[RootContents]trait WithAuthors[RootContents]trait WithDomains[RootContents]trait WithModules[RootContents]trait Branch[RootContents]trait Container[RootContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait StreamletShapetrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The definition of a Saga based on inputs, outputs, and the set of SagaSteps involved in the saga.
The definition of a Saga based on inputs, outputs, and the set of SagaSteps involved in the saga. Sagas define a computing action based on a variety of related commands that must all succeed atomically or have their effects undone.
Value parameters
- contents
The definitional content for this Context
- id
The name of the saga
- input
A definition of the aggregate input values needed to invoke the saga, if any.
- loc
The location of the Saga definition
- output
A definition of the aggregate output values resulting from invoking the saga, if any.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithSagaSteps[SagaContents]trait VitalDefinition[SagaContents]trait WithMetaDatatrait WithOptions[SagaContents]trait WithComments[SagaContents]trait WithIncludes[SagaContents]trait WithTypes[SagaContents]trait Branch[SagaContents]trait Container[SagaContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The definition of one step in a saga with its undo step and example.
The definition of one step in a saga with its undo step and example.
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description (one sentence) for use in documentation
- description
An optional description of the saga action
- doStatements
The command to be done.
- id
The name of the SagaAction
- loc
The location of the saga action definition
- undoStatements
The command that undoes doStatements
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The repository schema defined as an identifier of the schema, a general kind of intended schema, and the representation of the schema as data node types (vertices, tables, vectors, etc.), a list of named connections between pairs of the data nodes (foreign keys, parent/child, arbitrary graph nodes, etc.), and indices on specific fields of the data nodes.
The repository schema defined as an identifier of the schema, a general kind of intended schema, and the representation of the schema as data node types (vertices, tables, vectors, etc.), a list of named connections between pairs of the data nodes (foreign keys, parent/child, arbitrary graph nodes, etc.), and indices on specific fields of the data nodes.
Value parameters
- data
A list of the named primary data nodes (tables, vectors, vertices)
- id
The name of this schema
- indices
A list of fields in the ((data)) or ((links) that are considered indexed for faster retrieval
- links
A list of named relations between primary data nodes
- loc
The location at which the schema occurs
- schemaKind
One of the RepositorySchemaKinds for a general sense of the repository intention
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A interaction where a User selects an command generating item
A interaction where a User selects an command generating item
Value parameters
- brief
A description of this interaction step
- from
The user providing the input
- loc
The location of the interaction in the source
- to
The input definition that receives the input
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TwoReferenceInteractiontrait GenericInteractiontrait Interactiontrait WithMetaDatatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An TwoReferenceInteraction between a Definition and itself
An TwoReferenceInteraction between a Definition and itself
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description of the interaction for documentation purposes
- description
A full description of the interaction for documentation purposes
- from
A reference to a Definition from which the relationship extends and to which it returns.
- loc
The location at which the interaction occurs
- relationship
A textual description of the relationship
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TwoReferenceInteractiontrait GenericInteractiontrait Interactiontrait WithMetaDatatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A GenericInteraction that involves sending a message between the interacting components
A GenericInteraction that involves sending a message between the interacting components
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description of this interaction
- description
A full description of this interaction
- from
The definition that originates the interaction
- loc
The location of the interaction definition
- message
The message that is sent to the
component - to
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait GenericInteractiontrait Interactiontrait WithMetaDatatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Value parameters
- loc
The location in the source of the send action
- msg
The constructed message to be sent
- portlet
The inlet or outlet to which the message is sent
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A type expression for a sequence of some other type expression
A type expression for a sequence of some other type expression
Value parameters
- loc
Where this type expression occurs in the source code
- of
The type expression of the sequence's elements
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An interaction expression that specifies that each contained expression should be executed in strict sequential order
An interaction expression that specifies that each contained expression should be executed in strict sequential order
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description of the sequence group
- contents
The interactions to execute in sequence
- description
A longer description of the sequence
- loc
Location of the sequence
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait InteractionContainertrait Interactiontrait WithMetaDatatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A mathematical set of some other type of value
A mathematical set of some other type of value
Value parameters
- loc
Where the type expression occurs in the source
- of
The type of the elements of the set.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A statement that sets a value of a field
A statement that sets a value of a field
Value parameters
- field
The field that is the target of the value change
- loc
THe locaiton of the statement
- value
A description of the value to set as a LiteralString
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An interaction where an User receives output
An interaction where an User receives output
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description of this interaction
- from
The output received
- loc
The locaiton of the interaction in the source
- relationship
THe name of the relationship
- to
THe user that receives the output
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TwoReferenceInteractiontrait GenericInteractiontrait Interactiontrait WithMetaDatatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An element of a Use Case that links it to an external resource
An element of a Use Case that links it to an external resource
Value parameters
- loc
The location at which the ShownBy occurs
- urls
The list of URLs by which the Use Case is shown
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A simple container for utility purposes in code.
A simple container for utility purposes in code. The parser never returns one of these
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Container[CV]trait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait StreamletShapetrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait StreamletShapetrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A cardinality type expression that indicates another type expression as having a specific range of instances
A cardinality type expression that indicates another type expression as having a specific range of instances
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the one-or-more cardinality
- max
The maximum number of items
- min
The minimum number of items
- typeExp
The type expression that is indicated with a cardinality of one or more.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Cardinalitytrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait StreamletShapetrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Represents a state of an entity.
Represents a state of an entity. A State defines the shape of the entity's state when it is active. The MorphAction can cause the active state of an entity to change. Consequently the state of an entity can change its value (mutable) and they shape of that value.
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description (one sentence) for use in documentation
- description
An optional description of the state.
- id
The name of the state definition
- loc
The location of the state definition
- typ
A reference to a type definition that provides the range of values that the state may assume.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to an entity's state definition
A reference to an entity's state definition
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the state reference
- pathId
The path identifier of the referenced state definition
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Base trait of all Statements that can occur in OnClauses
Base trait of all Statements that can occur in OnClauses
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class ArbitraryStatementclass BecomeStatementclass CallStatementclass CodeStatementclass ErrorStatementclass FocusStatementclass ForEachStatementclass IfThenElseStatementclass MorphStatementclass ReadStatementclass ReplyStatementclass ReturnStatementclass SendStatementclass SetStatementclass StopStatementclass TellStatementclass WriteStatementShow all
A statement that terminates the On Clause
A statement that terminates the On Clause
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Definition of a Streamlet.
Definition of a Streamlet. A computing element for processing data from Inlets to Outlets. A processor's processing is specified by free text statements in Handlers. Streamlets come in various shapes: Source, Sink, Flow, Merge, Split, and Router depending on how many inlets and outlets they have
Value parameters
- contents
The definitional content for this Context
- id
The name of the processor
- loc
The location of the Processor definition
- shape
The shape of the processor's inputs and outputs
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithOutlets[StreamletContents]trait WithInlets[StreamletContents]trait Processor[StreamletContents]trait WithStreamlets[StreamletContents]trait WithHandlers[StreamletContents]trait WithFunctions[StreamletContents]trait WithInvariants[StreamletContents]trait WithConstants[StreamletContents]trait VitalDefinition[StreamletContents]trait WithMetaDatatrait WithOptions[StreamletContents]trait WithComments[StreamletContents]trait WithIncludes[StreamletContents]trait WithTypes[StreamletContents]trait Branch[StreamletContents]trait Container[StreamletContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to an referent's projector definition
A reference to an referent's projector definition
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the state reference
- pathId
The path identifier of the referenced projector definition
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ProcessorRef[Streamlet]trait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithIdentifiertrait Metatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A type expression for values of arbitrary string type, possibly bounded by length.
A type expression for values of arbitrary string type, possibly bounded by length.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the Strng type expression
- max
The maximum length of the string (default: MaxInt)
- min
The minimum length of the string (default: 0)
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A vector, table, or array of homogeneous cells.
A vector, table, or array of homogeneous cells.
Value parameters
- dimensions
The size of the dimensions of the table. There can be as many dimensions as needed.
- loc
Where the type expression occurs in the source
- of
The type of the elements of the table
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A interaction where and User provides input
A interaction where and User provides input
Value parameters
- brief
A description of this interaction step
- from
The user providing the input
- loc
The location of the interaction in the source
- to
The input definition that receives the input
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TwoReferenceInteractiontrait GenericInteractiontrait Interactiontrait WithMetaDatatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An action that tells a message to an entity.
An action that tells a message to an entity. This is very analogous to the tell operator in Akka. Unlike using an Portlet, this implies a direct relationship between the telling entity and the told entity. This action is considered useful in "high cohesion" scenarios. Use SendStatement to reduce the coupling between entities because the relationship is managed by a Context 's Connector instead.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the tell action
- msg
A constructed message value to send to the entity, probably a command
- processorRef
The processor to which the message is directed
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for the SI Base Unit for Temperature (Kelvin)
A predefined type expression for the SI Base Unit for Temperature (Kelvin)
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the mass type expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RealTypeExpressiontrait NumericTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A term definition for the glossary
A term definition for the glossary
Value parameters
- brief
The short definition of the term
- description
The longer definition of the term.
- id
The term being defined
- loc
The At at which this glossary term occurs
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for a clock time with hours, minutes, seconds.
A predefined type expression for a clock time with hours, minutes, seconds.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the time type expression.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TimeTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for a timestamp that records the number of milliseconds from the epoch.
A predefined type expression for a timestamp that records the number of milliseconds from the epoch.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the timestamp
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TimeTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
class PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class Punctuationclass QuotedStringclass Readabilityclass Predefinedclass Keywordclass Commentclass LiteralCodeclass MarkdownLineclass Identifierclass Numericclass OtherShow all
One abstract step in an Interaction between things.
One abstract step in an Interaction between things. The set of case classes associated with this sealed trait provide more type specificity to these three fields.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait GenericInteractiontrait Interactiontrait WithMetaDatatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class ArbitraryInteractionclass FocusOnGroupInteractionclass SelectInputInteractionclass SelfInteractionclass ShowOutputInteractionclass TakeInputInteractionShow all
A type definition which associates an identifier with a type expression.
A type definition which associates an identifier with a type expression.
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description (one sentence) for use in documentation
- description
An optional description of the type.
- id
The name of the type being defined
- loc
The location of the type definition
- typEx
The type expression of the type being defined
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithMetaDatatrait Branch[TypeContents]trait Container[TypeContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Base trait of an expression that defines a type
Base trait of an expression that defines a type
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait AggregateTypeExpressionclass Aggregationclass AliasedTypeExpressionclass Alternationtrait Cardinalityclass OneOrMoreclass Optionalclass SpecificRangeclass ZeroOrMoreclass Graphclass Mappingtrait NumericTypetrait IntegerTypeExpressionclass Boolclass Enumerationclass Integerclass Naturalclass Numberclass RangeTypeclass Wholetrait RealTypeExpressionclass Currentclass Decimalclass Lengthclass Luminosityclass Massclass Moleclass Realclass Temperatureclass PredefinedTypeclass Abstractclass Blobclass Currencyclass Locationclass Nothingclass Patternclass String_trait TimeTypeclass Dateclass DateTimeclass Durationclass Timeclass TimeStampclass ZonedDateTimeclass URIclass UUIDclass UniqueIdclass UserIdclass Replicaclass Sequenceclass Setclass TableShow all
A reference to a type definition
A reference to a type definition
Value parameters
- keyword
The keyword used to designate the type at the point of reference
- loc
The location in the source where the reference to the type is made
- pathId
The path identifier of the reference type
- Companion
- object
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithIdentifiertrait Metatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for a Uniform Resource Locator of a specific schema.
A predefined type expression for a Uniform Resource Locator of a specific schema.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the URL type expression
- scheme
The scheme to which the URL is constrained.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An URL based implementation of Description that provides the description in a Markdown file
An URL based implementation of Description that provides the description in a Markdown file
Value parameters
- loc
The location in the parse source where this description occurs
- url
The URL for the file content that is the description.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Descriptiontrait Metatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A predefined type expression for a universally unique identifier as defined by the Java Virtual Machine.
A predefined type expression for a universally unique identifier as defined by the Java Virtual Machine.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the UUID type expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A type expression for values that ensure a unique identifier for a specific entity.
A type expression for values that ensure a unique identifier for a specific entity.
Value parameters
- entityPath
The path identifier of the entity type
- loc
The location of the unique identifier type expression
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The definition of a Jacobsen Use Case RIDDL defines these epics by allowing a linkage between the user and RIDDL applications or bounded contexts.
The definition of a Jacobsen Use Case RIDDL defines these epics by allowing a linkage between the user and RIDDL applications or bounded contexts.
Value parameters
- contents
The interactions between users and system components that define the use case.
- id
The unique identifier for this use case
- loc
Where in the source this use case occurs
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait WithMetaDatatrait Branch[UseCaseContents]trait Container[UseCaseContents]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An User (Role) who is the initiator of the user story.
An User (Role) who is the initiator of the user story. Users may be persons or machines
Value parameters
- brief
A brief description of the user
- description
A longer description of the user and its role
- id
The name (role) of the user
- is_a
What kind of thing the user is
- loc
The location of the user in the source
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Leaftrait WithMetaDatatrait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A reference to an User using a path identifier
A reference to an User using a path identifier
Value parameters
- loc
THe location of the User in the source code
- pathId
The path identifier that locates the User
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An agile user story definition in the usual "As a {role} I want {capability} so that {benefit}" style.
An agile user story definition in the usual "As a {role} I want {capability} so that {benefit}" style.
Value parameters
- benefit
The benefit of that utilization
- capability
The capability the user wishes to utilize
- loc
Location of the user story
- user
The user, or instigator, of the story.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An GenericInteraction that is vaguely written as a textual description
An GenericInteraction that is vaguely written as a textual description
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait GenericInteractiontrait Interactiontrait WithMetaDatatrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The base class of the primary, or vital, definitions.
The base class of the primary, or vital, definitions. Most of the important definitions are derivatives of this sealed trait. All vital definitions contain comments, documentation, options, authors that defined it, include statements, and term definitions.
Type parameters
- CT
The type of the contents of the Vital Definition which must be rooted in RiddlValue
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait WithMetaDatatrait WithOptions[CT]trait WithComments[CT]trait WithIncludes[CT]trait WithTypes[CT]trait Branch[CT]trait Container[CT]trait Definitiontrait WithIdentifiertrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait StreamletShapetrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait IntegerTypeExpressiontrait NumericTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Adaptors
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Adaptors
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Authors
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Authors
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
A trait that includes the comments
field to extract the comments from the contents
A trait that includes the comments
field to extract the comments from the contents
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait AggregateTypeExpressionclass Aggregationclass Roottrait VitalDefinition[CT]class Domainclass Epicclass Functionclass Moduletrait Processor[CT]class Adaptorclass Contextclass Entityclass Projectorclass Repositoryclass Streamletclass SagaShow all
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Connectors
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Connectors
Base trait to use in any definition that can define a constant
Base trait to use in any definition that can define a constant
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Domains
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Domains
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Entitys
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Entitys
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Epics
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Epics
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define a Function
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define a Function
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define a Group
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define a Group
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
A trait that includes an id
field and various methods to support it.
A trait that includes an id
field and various methods to support it. This is used by Definition and any other thing that needs to be identified by name.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait Definitiontrait Branch[CV]class Groupclass Handlerclass Inputclass Nebulatrait OnClauseclass OnInitializationClauseclass OnMessageClauseclass OnOtherClauseclass OnTerminationClauseclass Outputclass Rootclass Typeclass UseCasetrait VitalDefinition[CT]class Domainclass Epicclass Functionclass Moduletrait Processor[CT]class Adaptorclass Contextclass Entityclass Projectorclass Repositoryclass Streamletclass Sagaclass Enumeratortrait Leaftrait AggregateValueclass Fieldclass Methodclass Authorclass Connectorclass Constantclass ContainedGroupclass Invarianttrait Portletclass Inletclass Outletclass Relationshipclass SagaStepclass Schemaclass Stateclass Termclass Userclass FileAttachmentclass StringAttachmentclass ULIDAttachmentShow all
Added to definitions that support includes
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define an Inlet
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define an Inlet
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define a Output
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define a Output
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define an invariant
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define an invariant
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class Enumeratorclass Groupclass Handlerclass Inputtrait Interactiontrait GenericInteractionclass SendMessageInteractiontrait TwoReferenceInteractionclass ArbitraryInteractionclass FocusOnGroupInteractionclass SelectInputInteractionclass SelfInteractionclass ShowOutputInteractionclass TakeInputInteractionclass VagueInteractiontrait InteractionContainerclass OptionalInteractionsclass ParallelInteractionsclass SequentialInteractionstrait Leaftrait AggregateValueclass Fieldclass Methodclass Authorclass Connectorclass Constantclass ContainedGroupclass Invarianttrait Portletclass Inletclass Outletclass Relationshipclass SagaStepclass Schemaclass Stateclass Termclass Usertrait OnClauseclass OnInitializationClauseclass OnMessageClauseclass OnOtherClauseclass OnTerminationClauseclass Outputclass Typeclass UseCasetrait VitalDefinition[CT]class Domainclass Epicclass Functionclass Moduletrait Processor[CT]class Adaptorclass Contextclass Entityclass Projectorclass Repositoryclass Streamletclass SagaShow all
Base trait that can be used in any definition that takes options and ensures the options are defined, can be queried, and formatted.
Base trait that can be used in any definition that takes options and ensures the options are defined, can be queried, and formatted.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define an Outlet
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define an Outlet
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define a Output
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define a Output
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Projectors
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Projectors
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Repositorys
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Repositorys
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define SagaSteps
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define SagaSteps
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Sagas
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Sagas
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define ShownBys
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define ShownBys
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
Base trait to use to define the AST.Statements that form the body of a Function or OnClause
Base trait to use to define the AST.Statements that form the body of a Function or OnClause
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class Functiontrait OnClauseclass OnInitializationClauseclass OnMessageClauseclass OnOtherClauseclass OnTerminationClauseShow all
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define a State
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define a State
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Streamlets
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Streamlets
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
Base trait of any definition that is a container and contains types
Base trait of any definition that is a container and contains types
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define UseCases
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define UseCases
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Users
Base trait to use in any Definition that can define Users
A statement that describes a write to a repository
A statement that describes a write to a repository
Value parameters
- keyword
The keyword used to color the nature of teh write operation (e.g. update, append, etc.)
- loc
The location of the statement in the model
- to
The TypeRef to the component of the Repository
- what
A description of the data that should be written to the repository
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Statementtrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A cardinality type expression that indicates another type expression as having zero or more instances.
A cardinality type expression that indicates another type expression as having zero or more instances.
Value parameters
- loc
The location of the zero-or-more cardinality
- typeExp
The type expression that is indicated with a cardinality of zero or more.
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Cardinalitytrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TimeTypeclass PredefinedTypetrait TypeExpressiontrait RiddlValueclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Source
- AST.scala
A representation of the editable contents of a definition
A representation of the editable contents of a definition
Type parameters
- CV
The upper bound of the values that can be contained (RiddlValue)
- Source
- AST.scala
- Source
- AST.scala
- Source
- AST.scala
- Source
- AST.scala
Type of definitions that occur in a InteractionContainer
Things that can occur in the "With" section of a leaf definition
- Source
- AST.scala
THe list of RiddlValues that are not Definitions for excluding them in match statements
THe list of RiddlValues that are not Definitions for excluding them in match statements
- Source
- AST.scala
The list of definitions to which a reference cannot be made
Type of definitions that occur within all Processor types
Type of definitions that occurs within all Vital Definitions
A mutable stack of Branch[?] for keeping track of the parent hierarchy
A simple sequence of Parents from the closest all the way up to the Root
A simple sequence of Parents from the closest all the way up to the Root
- Source
- AST.scala
Type of definitions that occur in a Repository with Include
The kind of thing that can be returned by PathId Resolution Pass optionally providing the referent and its Parental referent, or None
The kind of thing that can be returned by PathId Resolution Pass optionally providing the referent and its Parental referent, or None
- Source
- AST.scala
The root is a module that can have other modules
Value members
Concrete methods
A utility function for getting the kind of a type expression.
A utility function for getting the kind of a type expression.
Value parameters
- te
The type expression to examine
- Returns
A string indicating the kind corresponding to te
- Source
- AST.scala
Find the authors for some definition
Find the authors for some definition
Value parameters
- defn
The definition whose AST.Authors we are seeking
- parents
The parents of the definition whose AST.Authors we are seeking
- Returns
The list of AST.Authors of definition
- Source
- AST.scala
get all the authors defined in a domain even if they are in includes of that domain
get all the authors defined in a domain even if they are in includes of that domain
Value parameters
- domain
The domain to examine for authors
- Returns
A Seq of AST.Author expressed as a AST.Contents extension
- Source
- AST.scala
get all the authors defined in the root node even if they are in includes
get all the authors defined in the root node even if they are in includes
Value parameters
- root
The domain to examine for entities
- Returns
A Seq of AST.Author expressed as a AST.Contents extension
- Source
- AST.scala
Get the bounded contexts defined in a domain even if they are in includes of that domain
Get the bounded contexts defined in a domain even if they are in includes of that domain
Value parameters
- domain
The domain whose contexts should be returned
- Returns
A Seq of Context expressed as a AST.Contents extension
- Source
- AST.scala
Get all the first level nested domains of a domain even if they are in include statements
Get all the first level nested domains of a domain even if they are in include statements
Value parameters
- domain
The parent AST.Domain whose subdomains will be returned
- Returns
The subdomains of the provided domain as a AST.Contents extension
- Source
- AST.scala
get all the entities defined in a referent even if they are in includes of that domain
get all the entities defined in a referent even if they are in includes of that domain
Value parameters
- context
The domain to examine for entities
- Returns
A Seq of AST.Entity expressed as a AST.Contents extension
- Source
- AST.scala
get all the epics defined in a domain even if they are in includes of that domain
get all the epics defined in a domain even if they are in includes of that domain
Value parameters
- domain
The domain to examine for epics
- Returns
A scala.Seq of AST.Epic expressed as a AST.Contents extension
- Source
- AST.scala
Get all the top level domain definitions even if they are in include statements
Get all the top level domain definitions even if they are in include statements
Value parameters
- root
The model's AST.Root node.
- Returns
A Seq of AST.Domains as a AST.Contents extension
- Source
- AST.scala
Value parameters
- domain
The domain to examine for entities
- Returns
A Seq of AST.Author expressed as a AST.Contents extension
- Source
- AST.scala
Get the AST.User definitions found at the AST.Root level or in its AST.Includes
Get the AST.User definitions found at the AST.Root level or in its AST.Includes
Value parameters
- root
The AST.Root node to examine
- Returns
A Seq of AST.User expressed as a AST.Contents extension
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
find the elements of the Contents that are Definitions
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
Merge to Contents of varying upper bound constraints into a single combined container
Merge to Contents of varying upper bound constraints into a single combined container
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
The extension of a mutable ArrayBuffer of RiddlValue for ease of manipulating that content
- Source
- AST.scala
Returns the elements of the Contents that are VitalDefinitions
- Source
- AST.scala
- Source
- AST.scala
- Source
- AST.scala
An extension to an scala.Option] that makes extracting the content of the LiteralString easier.
An extension to an scala.Option] that makes extracting the content of the LiteralString easier.
- Returns
The content of the formatted LiteralString or "N/A" if it is not available
- Source
- AST.scala