RIDDL Documentation
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Checking Generated Documentation

After making code or documentation changes, it is a best practice to generate the documentation so you can visualize those changes and check that your intention for the change materialized.

There are two kinds of documentation: scaladoc generated API documentation for developers working with the RIDDL source code, and the main hugo generated user documentation.

Building The ScalaDoc

Scala 3 API documentation is generated from the source code. This is very simple to do:

> project root
> unidoc
> open doc/src/main/hugo/static/apidoc/index.html

That last command (on MacOS) will open the root of the API documentation in your browser. On other platforms, do something equivalent.

If you want to view the last released public version of the API documentation it will be at https://riddl.tech/apidoc

Building The Main Documentation

Install Hugo

You need to make sure Hugo is installed:

brew install hugo  

but you only need to do this once.

Generate the API Doc

Follow the instructions above.

Run Hugo

Then run the hugo server:

cd doc/src/main/hugo
hugo server --disableFastRender -D

The --disableFastRender means that hugo won’t cache results but read from source on each request. The -D option instructs to load all pages, even the ones marked as drafts. The hugo server command, if left running, will update its output when the input (in doc/src/main/hugo/*) changes.

Open Browser

To view the site in your browser:

open http://localhost:1313/

Note that if that port is busy, hugo may use another one. It will print out the URL it used so you should just be able to click on it from your terminal window.

Continue Editing

You can continue editing while the server is running. This allows you to validate your work on the markdown files visually in the browser. Whenever you change a markdown file, Hugo will notice and reload the browser page automatically if the viewed markdown page changed.