RIDDL Documentation
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Invariants specify rules about the state of an entity that must never be violated. Invariants typically come from business logic assertions. For example, a business axiom of a warehouse might be that the supply of a product should never be below 1. That is, the warehouse should never completely run out of a product it is storing. Reality, of course, must account for the supply running out; nevertheless specifying an invariant on the business intent may be important. This can be done in an entity with the invariant keyword:

invariant InSupply is { ProductState.supply > 0 }

Invariants are checked every time the corresponding entity’s state is modified. If an invariant fails to be satisfied, the state change is aborted and an error is generated.


Specifying an invariant may use a variety of common conditional operators familiar to most programming languages and mathematics. The expression provided must evaluate to a boolean value, either true or false. A true value means the invariant is satisfied and a false value means the invariant is not satisfied.

Comparison Operators

  • = equality - The two operands must be equal: op1 = op2
  • != inequality - The two operands must not be equal op1 != op2
  • < less - The first operand must be less than the second operand: op1 < op2
  • <= less-or-equal - The first operand must be less than or equal to the second operand: op1 <= op2
  • > greater - The first operand must be greater than the second operaond: op1 > op2
  • >= greater-or-equal = The first operand must be greater than or equal to the second operand: op1 >= op2

Logic and Grouping Operators

  • and - conjunction - Both operands must evaluate to true: op1 and op2
  • or - disjunction - Either operand must evaluate to true: op1 or op2
  • not - inverse - The inverse boolean value of the only operand: not op1
  • () - grouping - Parentheses are used to group operands into a single value: ( ... )

Operand Types

  • constant - Constant values like numbers and strings may be used as operands
  • function - Function invocations that return the right type of value may be used to compare runtime computed values.
  • state - State values of the entity can be used as operands; when multiple state objects are specified, the name of the object must be used with the name of the field, separated by a period.