RIDDL Documentation
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The RIDDL syntax is simply a hierarchical arrangement of definitions. Each definition can have a description. Descriptions are used to generate documentation and they follow markdown conventions.


There are several ways to describe a definition. In each of the examples we attach a description to some domain named Foo. The definition is not important for our purposes here. Descriptions come after the definition using one of five phrases:

  • described by
  • described as
  • described in file "<filename>"
  • explained by
  • explained in file "<filename>"

These four phrases are equivalent but provided to suit the nature of the definitions to which they may be applied. For example:

domain Foo is {
} explained as "Foo is not a very good domain name" 

is equivalent to:

domain Foo is {
} described by "Foo is not a very good domain name" 

Quoted String Format

The examples show above use a single string as the description. This is appropriate when the description is short, as is typical for small definitions.

Quoted Strings Format

Alternatively, a large description may be provided as a set of quoted strings enclosed in curly braces. For example:

domain Foo is {
} described by {
   "Foo is not a very good domain name"
   "And an empty domain doesn't define anything!"

Note in this case that we have embedded markdown syntax into the description.

Markdown Format

Alternatively, to make things a little more free-form, and aligned on the left column, a description may be formed using just a vertical bar character to indicate the line start. For example:

domain Foo is {
} described by {
   |# Warning
   |Foo is not a very good domain name
   |And an empty domain doesn't define anything!

Note in this case that we have embedded Markdown syntax into the description. The # Warning syntax is an indication to a Markdown processor that a new heading with the text “Warning” should be started. All descriptions are encouraged to use this Markdown syntax style.

Markdown In File

With the in file "<filename>.md" syntax, you can place the Markdown description of a definition into a separate file. This is a good choice for long descriptions to minimize reading flow disruption when reading the RIDDL code.

Using Markdown Syntax

Markdown syntax is encouraged in descriptions because the riddlc compiler can translate RIDDL specifications into the input of the website generator hugo, which expects markdown. In this way, a large RIDDL specification can be translated automatically into a beautiful website.

The full range of markdown, html, and shortcode syntax that hugo supports may be used in RIDDL descriptions. See this link for more details on hugo